Interview with our Founder

Interview with our Founder on VoyageMIA

Discover the fascinating story of Romina Zain, founder of Magic Holidays Travel Agency! In an exclusive interview conducted by VoyageMIARomina shares her experiences, challenges and passion for the world of travel.

Voyage Group of Magazines, with its flagship magazine VoyageLA, is dedicated to highlighting and supporting local communities in diverse cities. Their mission is to provide an authentic and unfiltered medium, highlighting the voices of artists, entrepreneurs and small businesses. They seek to change the way people spend their money by encouraging support for local independent entrepreneurs and creatives rather than large corporations. In addition, they aspire to instill a sense of community in big cities by sharing stories that reveal the richness and diversity of the people who inhabit them.

Immerse yourself in the narrative of a passionate entrepreneur who has taken her love of exploring the world to the creation of our agency. The interview reveals not only the business aspects of the agency, but also Romina's inspiring personal connection to the travel industry.

Interview with our Founder

Find out how Romina Zain y Magic Holidays Travel Agency are redefining the travel experience, offering services that go beyond the conventional. From the most exotic destinations to unique travel tips, this interview will transport you to a world of adventure and discovery.

Don't miss the opportunity to meet Romina Zain and her extraordinary journey in the world of travel, read the full interview on VoyageMIA and be inspired by the passion and vision of a woman who has turned her love of travel into a successful venture!